in/PACT has brought to the U.S. market a tech platform enables brands to activate their purpose-based program at scale. Initial clients include financial services and payment processing companies (FIS and MasterCard), large retailers (Target), and CPG brands (AB InBev, L’Oreal).
In/PACT is at the intersection of BrandTech, FinTech and Crowd-sourced Fund-raising. We connect Purpose to Purchase.
Through a cloud-based directed donation platform, in/PACT assists companies and brands engage with their consumers to direct brand and self-funded donations to charities and causes they truly care about.
Advisors and early stage investors include brand legends Jim Stengel, Wenda Millard, Charlotte Beers, Peter Hempstead and others from marketing, digital technology and adtech.
in/Pact’s 501(c)3, the GoodCoin Foundation, administers our currency and provides clients with a turnkey service right through to disbursement to the nonprofit partners.