The Singapore-based Geomain is basically a short form of a physical address. Geomain assign every address on Earth a unique 19 digit number that is GPS linked. Therefore, to get to any address at all, you simply enter its Geomain and you will be able to navigate to it with GPS level accuracy. The Geomain Number is also available for free in a QR Code format, allowing you to share and promote it to your family, friends and/or customers.
With the advent of Geomains, it is now possible to build thousands of application and services around Geomains and their team is exploring new possibilities and partnering with exciting companies to apply it to new spaces and industries.
With the Geomain App, you can scan the Code to navigate. Geomain is also available to businesses that can buy Geomain name to allow customers to navigate to your exact position through the App.
Geomain offers Dynamic Privacy Protect (DPP) to all Geomain Registrants. DPP allows the Registrant to sign in and dynamically enable or disable Privacy, thereby being in full control at all times of what information the WHOIS record will show at any time. Geomain does not charge for this service, so it is currently available for free to all Geomain Registrants.